Kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP?

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Kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP?
Kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP?

Video: Kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP?

Video: Kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP?
Video: How to Restore All Windows Services To Default Settings - YouTube 2024, Aprīlis
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Kad esat izveidojis darbinieku attālās failu pārsūtīšanas iespējas, jūs vēlaties, lai lietas būtu pēc iespējas vienkāršākas un drošākas. Ņemot to vērā, kas ir labāk, FTPS vai SFTP? Šodienas SuperUser Q & A ziņai ir atbildes par ziņkārīgo lasītāja jautājumu.

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SuperUser lasītājs user334875 vēlas uzzināt, kāda ir atšķirība starp FTPS un SFTP un kāda no tām ir labāka:

I am trying to set up a system for four of my employees who work remotely so that they can transfer files. I also need it to be secure. Is SFTP better than FTPS? What is the difference between the two?

Kāda ir atšķirība starp diviem un kāda ir labāka?


SuperUser autori NuTTyX un Vdub ir atbildīgi par mums. Pirmkārt, NuTTyX:

They are two completely different protocols.

FTPS is FTP with SSL for security. It uses a control channel and opens new connections for the data transfer. As it uses SSL, it requires a certificate.

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol/Secure File Transfer Protocol) was designed as an extension of SSH to provide file transfer capability, so it usually uses only the SSH port for both data and control.

In most SSH server installations you will have SFTP support, but FTPS would need the additional configuration of a supported FTP server.

Pēc Vdub atbildes:

FTPS (FTP/SSL) is a name used to provide a number of ways that FTP software can perform secure file transfers. Each way involves the use of a SSL/TLS layer below the standard FTP protocol to encrypt the control and/or data channels.


  • Widely known and used
  • The communication can be read and understood by a human
  • Provides services for server-to-server file transfer
  • SSL/TLS has good authentication mechanisms (X.509 certificate features)
  • FTP and SSL/TLS support is built into many internet communications frameworks


  • Does not have a uniform directory listing format
  • Requires a secondary DATA channel, which makes it hard to use behind firewalls
  • Does not define a standard for file name character sets (encodings)
  • Not all FTP servers support SSL/TLS
  • Does not have a standard way to get and change file or directory attributes

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol that provides file transfer and manipulation functionality over any reliable data stream. It is typically used with the SSH-2 protocol (TCP port 22) to provide secure file transfer, but is intended to be usable with other protocols as well.


  • Has a good standards background which strictly defines most (if not all) aspects of operations
  • Has only one connection (no need for a DATA connection)
  • The connection is always secured
  • The directory listing is uniform and machine-readable
  • The protocol includes operations for permission and attribute manipulation, file locking, and more functionality


  • The communication is binary and can not be logged “as is” for human reading
  • SSH keys are harder to manage and validate
  • The standards define certain things as optional or recommended, which leads to certain compatibility problems between different software titles from different vendors.
  • No server-to-server copy and recursive directory removal operations
  • No built-in SSH/SFTP support in VCL and.NET frameworks

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